Miguel Delibes Mateos
TRAMAS – Territory, rurality, agriculture, environment environment and sustainability
Miguel Delibes Mateos is Senior Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) at the Institute for Advanced Social Studies (IESA). He has previously worked at and undertaken research visits at various institutions in Spain (for example, the Institute for Research on Hunting Resources, University of Malaga, University of Seville) and abroad (Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Norway, Landcare Research in New Zealand, University of Porto in Portugal).
His research work looks to integrate approaches developed by different disciplines, including social and natural sciences, in order to gain insight into the oftentimes complex relationships between the conservation of biodiversity and other human activities that rely on natural resources. He is particularly interested in investigating conservation conflicts through a multidisciplinary perspective in order to find solutions that mitigate problems and ultimately lead to a sustainable use of natural resources.
He is a member by invitation of the expert group on “Sustainable use and livelihoods” of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and of the Scientific Committee of Future Earth in Spain.
1º Assessing the distribution of elusive non-game carnivores: are hunters valuable informants? Descalzo, E.; Ferreras, P.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Soliño, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Delibes, 2023
2º Seasonal and spatial variations in the diet of the Egyptian mongoose in its north-eastern Iberian range edge Descalzo, E.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Jiménez, J.; Ferreras, P., 2023
3º Identification of potential invasive alien species in Spain through horizon scanning Carlos Cano-Barbacil; Martina Carrete; Pilar Castro-Díez; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Josep A. Jaques; Ma, 2023
4º Beyond rural vs urban differences: A close match in european preferences in some basic wildlife management and conservation principles Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Glikman, J.A.; Soliño, M., 2023
5º Unravelling the historical biogeography of the European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Vaquerizas, P.H.; Márquez, A.L.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Piorno, V.; Castro, F.; Ramírez,, 2023
6º Low Level of Concern Among European Society About Zoonotic Diseases Delibes-Mateos, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Arroyo, B.; Soliño, M.; Martínez-Jauregui, M., 2023
7º La decadencia de la investigación de campo y su impacto en la conservación Rios-Sadaña, C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ferreira, F., 2023
8º Cooke's index: A simple, cost-effective method for multiple practitioners to estimate European rabbit abundance Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Arias de Reyna, L.; Camacho, A.; Cooke, B.; Villafuerte, R., 2023
9º Lack of evidence for differences in the spread of classic (Lagovirus europaeus/GI.1) and novel (Lagovirus europaeus/GI.2) rabbit haemorrhagic disease viruses in Europe and North Africa Aguayo-Adán, J.A.; Rouco, C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Santoro, S., 2022
10º Support to Iberian lynx reintroduction and perceived impacts: Assessments before and after reintroduction Delibes-Mateos, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Lafuente, R.; Villafuerte, R.; Garrido, F.E., 2022
11º To ban or not to ban, is it the only option to regulate biological invasions? Prohibir o no prohibir, ¿no hay más opciones para legislar sobre invasiones biológicas? Oficialdegui, F.J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Franch, N.; Altamirano, M.; Clavero, M., 2021
12º Estate-level decision-making and socioeconomics determine annual harvest in the European Turtle-dove in central Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Moreno-Zarate, L.; Peach, W.; Arroyo, B., 2021
13º Individual fate and gut microbiome composition in the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Funosas G; Triadó-Margarit X; Castro F; Villafuerte R; Delibes-Mateos M; Rouco C; Casamayor EO, 2021
14º Assessment of methods for detecting an opportunistic and expanding mesocarnivore in southwestern Europe Descalzo, E.; Jiménez, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Ferreras, P., 2021
15º Keeping an eye on the use of eye-lens weight as a universal indicator of age for European wild rabbits. Vaquerizas, P. H.; Santoro, S.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R., 2021
16º First records of anomalous colouration in the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) Descalzo, E.; F. Nájera; M. Mata-Huete; J. Sánchez; J. Cáceres-Urones; J. Jimenez; M. Delibes-Mateos, 2021
17º Update of the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) distribution in Spain Descalzo, E.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Salgado, I.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Soliño, M.; Jim, 2021
18º Management of invasive alien species in Spain: A bibliometric review Muñoz-Mas, R.; Carrete, M.; Castro-Díez, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Jaques, J.A.; López-Darias, M.; Nog, 2021
19º Dear deer? Maybe for now. People's perception on red deer (Cervus elaphus) populations in Portugal Valente, A.M.; Acevedo, P.; Figueiredo, A.M.; Martins, R.; Fonseca, C.; Torres, R.T.; Delibes-Mateos, 2020
20º Conflict and cooperation in the management of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) damage to agriculture in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Ruiz, J.; Garrido, F.E.; Redpath, S.; Villafuerte, R., 2020
21º Lessons from viruses that affect lagomorphs Rouco, C.; Abrantes, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2020
22º European rabbit hunting: Management changes and inertia in the governance system in a period of population fluctuations Piorno, V.; Arroyo, B.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R., 2020
23º Understanding conservation conflicts associated with rodent outbreaks in farmland areas Lauret, V.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Mougeot, F.; Arroyo-Lopez, B., 2020
24º Addressing social attitudes toward lethal control of wildlife in national Parks Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Soliño M., 2020
25º Addressing social attitudes toward lethal control of wildlife in national parks Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Soliño, M., 2020
26º Implantación de una metodología docente en la asignatura de Redacción y Ejecución de Proyectos del Grado de Biología. Mateos-Naranjo, E.; Redondo-Gomez, S.; Serrano, L.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Zunzunegui, M., 2020
27º Rigid laws and invasive species management Oficialdegui, F.J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Green, A.J.; Sánchez, M.I.; Boyero, L.; Clavero, M., 2020
28º Implications for conservation of collection of mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise as pets in morocco: Residents’ perceptions, habits, and knowledge Segura, A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Acevedo, P., 2020
29º Wolf media coverage in the region of castilla y León (Spain): Variations over time and in two contrasting socio-ecological settings Delibes-Mateos, M., 2020
30º The paradox of endangered European rabbits regarded as pests on the Iberian Peninsula: Trends in subspecies matter Vaquerizas, P.H.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Piorno, V.; Arroyo, B.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R., 2020
31º Citizen science to monitor the distribution of the Egyptian mongoose in southern Spain: who provide the most reliable information? Linares, O.; Carranza, J.; Soliño, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ferreras, P.; Descalzo, E.; Martínez-Jaur, 2020
32º Worldwide rapid spread of the novel rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (GI.2/RHDV2/b) Rouco, C.; Aguayo-Adán, J.A.; Santoro, S.; Abrantes, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2019
33º Oryctolagus cuniculus, European Rabbit Rafael Villafuerte; Miguel Delibes Mateos, 2019
34º Favourability for the presence of wild rabbit warrens in motorway verges: Implications for the spread of a native agricultural pest species Rouco C; Farfán MA; Olivero J; Arias de Reyna LM; Villafuerte R; Delibes-Mateos M, 2019
35º Assessing mammal community composition in the Huinay Biological Reserve (Chile) through questionnaire surveys: biases associated with respondents Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Caro, J.; Ferreras, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2019
36º First assessment of the potential introduction by hunters of eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Piorno, V.; Ramírez, E.; Blanco-Aguiar, J.A.; Aparicio, F.; Mínguez,, 2018
37º A large-scale assessment of European rabbit damage to agricultura in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M; Farfán, M.A.; Rouco, C.; Olivero, J.; Márquez, A.L.; Fa, J.E.; Vargas, J.M.; Vill, 2018
38º Rumours about wildlife pest introductions: European rabbits in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M., 2017
39º Hunting as a source of alien species: a European review Carpio, A.J.; Guerrero-Casado, J.; Barasona, J.A.; Tortosa, F.S.; Vicente, J.; Hillström, L.; Delibe, 2017
40º Exploring the views on hunting of Spanish hunters: effect of age and public vs. anonymous opinions Caro, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Vázquez-Guadarrama, C.; Rodríguez-Camacho, J.; Arroyo, B., 2017
41º Reconciling economic and ecological sustainability: can non-intensive hunting of red-legged partridges be economically profitable? Arroyo, B.; Caro, J.; Muñoz-Adalia, E.J.; Díaz-Fernández, S.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Díaz-Fernández, M., 2017
42º Risks associated with failed interdisciplinary approaches in conservation research Delibes-Mateos, M., 2017
43º Large-scale assessment of myxomatosis prevalence in European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 60 years after first outbreak in Spain R. Villafuerte; F. Castro; E. Ramírez; I. Cotilla; F. Parra; M. Delibes-Mateos; P. Recuerda; C. Rouc, 2017
44º Optimization and accuracy of faecal pellet count estimates of population size: the case of European rabbits in extensive breeding nuclei. Rouco, C.; Santoro, S.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R., 2016
45º Disease-mediated bottom-up regulation: An emergent virus affects a keystone prey, and alters the dynamics of trophic webs Monterroso, P.; Garrote, G.; Serronha, A.; Santos, E.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Abrantes, J.; De Ayala, R, 2016
46º Stable isotope evidence for Turkey vulture dependence on food subsides from the sea. Blázquez, M.C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Vargas, J.M.; Granados, A.; Delgado, A.; Delibes, M., 2016
47º Can Cage-Trap Performance in Capturing Red Foxes Be Improved by Using Different Baits and Scent Attractants? Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ferreras, P., 2016
48º Drivers of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) daily activity: Prey availability, human disturbance or habitat structure? Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Caro, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Ferreras, P., 2016
49º Naturalists: Hail local fieldwork, not just global models Ferreira, C.; Ríos-Saldaña, C.A.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2016
50º Hunted predators: Charisma confounds Delibes-Mateos, M.; Mougeot, F.; Arroyo, B.; Lambin, X., 2015
51º Improving decision-making for sustainable hunting: regulatory mechanisms of hunting pressure in red-legged partridge Caro, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Viñuela, J.; López-Lucero, J.F.; Arroyo, B., 2015
52º Feeding habits of black-billed magpie during the breeding season in Mediterranean Iberia: the role of birds and eggs. Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Zarca, J.C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ferreras, P., 2015
53º Conservation conflicts involving mammals in Europe. Delibes-Mateos, M., 2015
54º Linking historical ecology and invasion biology: some lessons from European rabbit introductions into the new world before the nineteenth century Delibes, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2015
55º Does small-game management benefit steppe birds of conservation concern? A field study in central Spain Estrada, A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Caro, J.; Viñuela, J.; Díaz-Fernández, S.; Casas, F.; Arroyo, B., 2015
56º Can widespread generalist predators affect keystone prey? A case study with foxes and rabbits in their native range. Fernández de Simón, J.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Rodríguez de la Cruz, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R., 2015
57º Biometrical analysis reveals major differences between the two subspecies of the European rabbit Ferreira, C.C.; Castro, F.; Piorno, V.; Barrio, I.C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Rouco, C.; Mínguez, L.E.; , 2015
58º Game managers' views on the release of farm-reared red-legged partridges in hunting estates within central Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Viñuela, J.; Arroyo, B., 2015
59º Does small-game management benefit steppe-birds of conservation concern? A field study in central Spain. Estrada, A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Díaz-Fernández, S.; Viñuela, J.; Casas, F.; Caro, J.; Arroyo, B., 2015
60º Feeding habits of Black-billed Magpie during the breeding season in Mediterranean Iberia: The role of birds and eggs Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Zarca, J.C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ferreras, P., 2015
61º Conservationists, hunters and farmers: The European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus management conflict in the Iberian Peninsula Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ferreira, C.; Rouco, C.; Villafuerte, R.; Barrio, I.C., 2014
62º Caracterización de la comunidad de mamíferos de un área remota del sur de Chile mediante el uso combinado de metodologías Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Francisco Díaz-Ruiz; Jesús Caro; Pablo Ferreras, 2014
63º Habitat management as a generalized tool to boost European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus populations in the Iberian Peninsula: A cost-effectiveness analysis Ferreira, C.; Touza, J.; Rouco, C.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Fernandez-de-Simon, J.; Ríos-Saldaña, C.A.; Ferre, 2014
64º Control of the European rabbit in central Spain Ríos-Saldaña, C.A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Martínez, E.; Vargas, J.M.; Cooke, B.D.; Villafu, 2013
1º Socio-economics of red-legged partridge hunting in Spain. 2022, 978-3-030-96341-5
2º Desarrollo rural y conservación de la biodiversidad. Del conflicto a la coexistencia en la conservac 2022, 978-84-95531-64-3
3º CHALLENGE 3: Preserving biodiversity and its functions under global change 2021, 978-84-00-10750-5
4º Conflicto y cooperación: percepción de los actores implicados sobre los daños de conejo y su gestión , Delibes Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Ruiz, J.; Garrido, F.E.; Villafuerte, R., 2021, isbn: 978-84-9044-433-7
5º La importancia de los aspectos humanos en la gestión de los daños causados por fauna sobreabundante. 2021, 978-84-9044-433-7
6º Rewilding and the risk of creating new, unwanted ecological interactions , Delibes-Mateos, M.; Barrio, I.C.; Barbosa, A.M.; Martínez-Solano, I.; Fa, J.E.; Ferreira, C.C., 2019, isbn: 978-1-108-47267-8
7º Mesa redonda: resumen y conclusiones 2018, 9788409045709
8º Oryctolagus cuniculus 2018, 9781421423401
1º Percepciones y preferencias sobre la gestión de fauna silvestre: comparativa del público general y los socios de la SECEM. , XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). : Percepciones y preferencias sobre la gestión de fauna silvestre: comparativa del público general y los socios de la SECEM. Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte-Jordán, R.; Arroyo, B.; Glikman, J.A.; Soliño, M.; Martínez-Jauregui, M., 2023
2º Hunters' opposition to Egyptian mongoose passive restoration in central-southern Spain. , XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). : Hunters' opposition to Egyptian mongoose passive restoration in central-southern Spain. Granados, M.G.; Descalzo, E.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Soliño, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Ferreras, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2023
3º Potential conflict among hunters and non-hunters in the perceived impact on an expanding mesocarnivore in southern Europe. , XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). : Potential conflict among hunters and non-hunters in the perceived impact on an expanding mesocarnivore in southern Europe. Glikman, J.A; Descalzo, E.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Soliño, M.; Ferreras, P.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2023
4º Hunters¿ opposition to Egyptian mongoose passive restoration in central-southern Spain , XVI Congreso Internacional de la SECEM : Hunters¿ opposition to Egyptian mongoose passive restoration in central-southern Spain María G. Granados; Esther Descalzo; Martínez-Jauregui M; Soliño M; Glikman JA; Díaz-Ruiz F; Ferreras P; Delibes-Mateos M, 2023
5º Potential conflict among hunters and non-hunters in the perceived impact on an expanding mesocarnivore in southern Europe , XVI Congreso Internacional de la SECEM : Potential conflict among hunters and non-hunters in the perceived impact on an expanding mesocarnivore in southern Europe Jenny Glikman; Esther Descalzo; María Martínez-Jauregui; Mario Soliño; Pablo Ferreras; Francisco Díaz-Ruiz; Miguel Delibes-Mateos, 2023
6º Analysing Human-Wildlife conflicts through the Environmental Justice lens. , XVI Congreso Nacional de la AEET: La ecología en una bioesfera humanizada. : Analysing Human-Wildlife conflicts through the Environmental Justice lens. Alba-Patiño, F.D.; Castro Martínez, A.J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Requena-Mullor, J.M.; Quintas-Soriano, C.; Otamendi-Urroz, I.; Grau, E.; Martin-López, B.,
7º Exploring attitudes towards large carnivores in Europe across different restoration approaches: A systematic review , XVI Congreso Nacional de la AEET: La ecología en una bioesfera humanizada. : Exploring attitudes towards large carnivores in Europe across different restoration approaches: A systematic review González-Granados, M.; Vaquerizas, P.H.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
8º Wildlife value orientations and conflict situations with wolves across Europe. , XVI Congreso Nacional de la AEET: La ecología en una bioesfera humanizada. : Wildlife value orientations and conflict situations with wolves across Europe. Glikman, J.A.; Manfredo, M.; Teel, T.; Ghasemi, B.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
9º Wildlife Value Orientations and conflict situations with wolves across Europe. , Pathways 2023: Managing wildlife in an era of mutualism : Wildlife Value Orientations and conflict situations with wolves across Europe. Glikman, J.A.; Manfredo, M.; Teel, T.; Ghamesi, B.; Jacobs, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
10º Coste-efectividad de las medidas de gestión de hábitat en la Península Ibérica. , Jornadas IBERCONEJO: Intercambio de experiencias de fomento de las poblaciones de conejo de monte : Coste-efectividad de las medidas de gestión de hábitat en la Península Ibérica. Ferreira, C.; Touza J.; Rouco, C.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Fernández de Simón, J.; Ríos-Saldaña, C.A.; Ferreras, P.; Villafuerte, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
12º FOREST & GLOBAL CHANGE, AN OPEN FUTURE , XVII Young Researchers Meeting on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Systems : FOREST & GLOBAL CHANGE, AN OPEN FUTURE Quevedo, L.; Guijarro, M.; Antón, C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Grivet, Delphine,
13º Discursos de los cazadores sobre la gestión de una especie migratoria en declive: la tórtola europea , XXV Congreso Español de Ornitología : Discursos de los cazadores sobre la gestión de una especie migratoria en declive: la tórtola europea Zebensui Morales Reyes; Lara Moreno-Zarate; Beatriz Arroyo; Juan Lorente Rejano; Miguel Delibes-Mateos, 2022
14º Fecundity of multi-brooded European Turtle-doves (Streptopelia turtur) in Spain: implications for population viability and conservation management. , XXV Congreso Español de Ornitología. : Fecundity of multi-brooded European Turtle-doves (Streptopelia turtur) in Spain: implications for population viability and conservation management. Arroyo, B.; Mougeot, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Fernández-Tizón, M.; Lorente Rejano J.; Moreno-Zárate, L.; Navalpotro, H.; Santisteban, C.; Sardà-Palomera, F; Bota, G, 2022
15º Home range and movements of declining European Turtle-doves (Streptopelia turtur) in Spain: implications for management and conservation. , XXV Congreso Español de Ornitología. : Home range and movements of declining European Turtle-doves (Streptopelia turtur) in Spain: implications for management and conservation. Moreno-Zarate, L.; Sardà-Palomera, F.; Arroyo, B.; Bota, G.; Fernandez-Tizon, M.; Lorente Rejano J.; Mougeot, F.; Navalpotro, H.; Santisteban C.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2022
16º Hunters' discourses about management of migratory declining species , Pathways Europe 2022: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference : Hunters' discourses about management of migratory declining species Lara Moreno-Zarate; Beatriz Arroyo; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Zebensui Morales Reyes; Juan Lorente Rejano,
17º Stakeholder Perceptions of European Rabbit Damage to Agriculture , Pathways Europe 2022: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference : Stakeholder Perceptions of European Rabbit Damage to Agriculture Zebensui Morales-Reyes; Beatriz Arroyo; Fernando E. Garrido; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte,
18º Research-Based Knowledge Use in Conservation Conflicts: The IUCN 2019 wild rabbit reassessment in the Iberian Peninsula , Pathways Europe 2022 : Research-Based Knowledge Use in Conservation Conflicts: The IUCN 2019 wild rabbit reassessment in the Iberian Peninsula Patricia H. Vaquerizas; Anke Fischer; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte,
19º The red deer viewed by Europeans: a challenge for management , 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology : The red deer viewed by Europeans: a challenge for management Villafuerte-Jordán R; Martinez-Jauregui M; Arroyo B; Glikman JA; Soliño M; Delibes-Mateos M.,
20º Establishing boundaries in Conservation Biology: The case of European wild rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula , 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology : Establishing boundaries in Conservation Biology: The case of European wild rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula Vaquerizas, Patricia H.; Fischer, Anke; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel; Villafuerte, Rafael; Garrido, Fernando E.; Glikman, Jenny A.,
21º Experimental study on the reproductive seasonality of Oryctolagus cuniculus subspecies , 6th World Lagomorph Conference : Experimental study on the reproductive seasonality of Oryctolagus cuniculus subspecies Patricia Hidalgo Vaquerizas; Vicente Piorno; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte, 2022
22º Efficiency of assessing current year twigs browsed as an early warning system of red deer impact on Mediterranena ecosystems , XVI Young Foresters Meeting : Efficiency of assessing current year twigs browsed as an early warning system of red deer impact on Mediterranena ecosystems Rafael Villafuerte-Jordán1; Icíar Alberdi; José Manuel García del Barrio; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; María Martínez-Jauregui,
23º Percepciones y preferencias de la sociedad rural sobre el meloncillo y su gestión en Castilla-La Mancha , XV Congreso de la SECEM, 4-7 diciembre 2021, Córdoba : Percepciones y preferencias de la sociedad rural sobre el meloncillo y su gestión en Castilla-La Mancha Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Esther Descalzo; Mario Soliño; Francisco Díaz-Ruiz; Jenny Anne Glikman; Pablo Ferreras; María Martínez-Jauregui, 2021
24º Percepción de diferentes colectivos sobre los retos futuros para el conejo de monte en la Península Ibérica , XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : Percepción de diferentes colectivos sobre los retos futuros para el conejo de monte en la Península Ibérica Vaquerizas, P.H.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.E.; Glikman, J.A.; Villafuerte, R., 2021
25º Patrones alimenticios del meloncillo (Herpestes ichneumon) en Castilla - La Mancha , XV Congreso de la SECEM, 4-7 diciembre 2021, Córdoba : Patrones alimenticios del meloncillo (Herpestes ichneumon) en Castilla - La Mancha Esther Descalzo; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Francisco Díaz-Ruiz; José Jiménez; Pablo Ferreras, 2021
26º Media coverage of the European Turtle Dove decline and associated conflicts in Spain , BOUasm21: Birds and people: from conflict to co-existence : Media coverage of the European Turtle Dove decline and associated conflicts in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Lara Moreno-Zárate; Yaiza del Olmo; Beatriz Arroyo,
27º Improving hunting regulations for the conservation of the European Turtle Dove in Spain. , Birds and people: from conflict to co-existence : Improving hunting regulations for the conservation of the European Turtle Dove in Spain. Moreno-Zarate, L.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Peach, W.; Arroyo, B., 2021
28º Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologist : Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications Hidalgo Vaquerizas, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.E.; Glikman, J.A.; Villafuerte, R.,
29º Using media content analysis to assess the European turtle dove management conflict in Spain. , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) : Using media content analysis to assess the European turtle dove management conflict in Spain. Delibes-Mateos, M.; Moreno-Zárate, L.; del Olmo, Y.; Arroyo, B,
30º Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) : Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications Miguel Delibes Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte; Jenny Glikman; Fernando Garrido; Patricia Hidalgo,
31º Assessing the impact of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on temporal patterns of activity and feeding behaviour of red deer in a fenced Mediterranean ecosystem. , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) : Assessing the impact of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on temporal patterns of activity and feeding behaviour of red deer in a fenced Mediterranean ecosystem. Villafuerte-Jordan, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Martinez-Jauregui, M.,
32º Wildlife Values Orientations and hunting in Southern Spain , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) : Wildlife Values Orientations and hunting in Southern Spain Garrido-Fernández, F.E.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Villafuerte, R.,
35º Determinación de la edad en conejo de monte a través del peso del cristalino: análisis comparado de las dos subespecies en la Península Ibérica , XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : Determinación de la edad en conejo de monte a través del peso del cristalino: análisis comparado de las dos subespecies en la Península Ibérica Vaquerizas, P.H.; Castro, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Recuerda, P.; Villafuerte, R., 2019
36º Actualización del mapa de distribución del meloncillo (Herpestes ichneumon) en la Península Ibérica , XIV Congreso de la SECEM : Actualización del mapa de distribución del meloncillo (Herpestes ichneumon) en la Península Ibérica Esther Descalzo; Olmo Linares; María Martínez-Jauregui; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Francisco Díaz-Ruiz; José Jiménez; Mario Soliño; Juan Carranza; Pablo Ferreras, 2019
37º Actualización de la distribución del meloncillo en Castilla-La Mancha y áreas de posible expansión mediante la combinación de cuestionarios a agentes medioambientales y modelos biogeográficos , XIV Congreso de la SECEM : Actualización de la distribución del meloncillo en Castilla-La Mancha y áreas de posible expansión mediante la combinación de cuestionarios a agentes medioambientales y modelos biogeográficos Francisco Díaz-Ruiz; Esther Descalzo; José Jiménez; María Martínez-Jauregui; Mario Soliño; Ana Luz Márquez; Miguel Angel Farfán; Raimundo Real; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Pablo Ferreras, 2019
38º Conocimiento experto vs y conocimiento científico: el papel de las fuentes de información en la gestión cinegética de la perdiz roja en Castilla-La Mancha , XXIV Congreso Español y VII Ibérico de Ornitología : Conocimiento experto vs y conocimiento científico: el papel de las fuentes de información en la gestión cinegética de la perdiz roja en Castilla-La Mancha Delibes-Mateos, M.; Caro, J; Arroyo, B.,
39º Preferencias sociales en la gestión de sobreabundancia de ungulados en espacios protegidos , X Reunión de Ungulados Silvestres Ibéricos (RUSI) : Preferencias sociales en la gestión de sobreabundancia de ungulados en espacios protegidos Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Soliño, M.,
40º Is the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) shaping geographical distribution patterns of its predator's community in the Iberian Peninsula? , 8th European Congress of Mammalogy : Is the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) shaping geographical distribution patterns of its predator's community in the Iberian Peninsula? Vaquerizas, P.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Olivero, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R.,
41º Detecting methods for an opportunistic and expanding mesocarnivore in SW Europe: the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) , 8th European Congress of Mammalogy : Detecting methods for an opportunistic and expanding mesocarnivore in SW Europe: the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) Descalzo, E.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Jiménez, J.; Ferreras, P.,
42º Attitudes towards mammal reintroductions in Southern Europe correlate with species involved, people's wildlife value orientations and relationship with hunting , 8th European Congress of Mammalogy : Attitudes towards mammal reintroductions in Southern Europe correlate with species involved, people's wildlife value orientations and relationship with hunting Villafuerte, R.; Garrido, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
43º Combining questionnaire survey and biogeographical models to update and forecast the distribution of the only mongoose species in Europe , 8th European Congress of Mammalogy : Combining questionnaire survey and biogeographical models to update and forecast the distribution of the only mongoose species in Europe Descalzo, E.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Jiménez, J.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Soliño, M.; Márquez, A.L.; Farfán, M.A.; Real, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ferreras, P.,
44º Distribución del meloncillo (Herpestes ichneumon) en Castilla¿La Mancha. Primeros resultados del proyecto MELOCAM , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : Distribución del meloncillo (Herpestes ichneumon) en Castilla¿La Mancha. Primeros resultados del proyecto MELOCAM Descalzo, E.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Soliño, M.; Jiménez, J.; Ferreras, P., 2019
45º ¿Es necesaria una doble gestión del conejo de monte? Revisión actualizada de las diferencias entre Oryctolagus cuniculus cunilculus y O. cuniculus algirus , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : ¿Es necesaria una doble gestión del conejo de monte? Revisión actualizada de las diferencias entre Oryctolagus cuniculus cunilculus y O. cuniculus algirus Hidalgo Vaquerizas, P.; Castro, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Piorno, V.; Villafuerte, R., 2019
46º Análisis espacio¿temporal de la dispersión mundial del nuevo virus de la enfermedad hemorrágica vírica del conejo (Lagovirus europaeus/GI.2) , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : Análisis espacio¿temporal de la dispersión mundial del nuevo virus de la enfermedad hemorrágica vírica del conejo (Lagovirus europaeus/GI.2) Aguayo-Adan, J.A.; Santoro, S.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Rouco, C., 2019
47º Aproximación biogeográfica a la distribución histórica de las subespecies de conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en la península ibérica , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : Aproximación biogeográfica a la distribución histórica de las subespecies de conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en la península ibérica Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Márquez, A.L.; Farfán, M.A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Ramírez, E.; Piorno, V.; Villafuerte, R.; Olivero, J.; Real, R., 2019
48º Análisis de favorabilidad de presencia de madrigueras de conejo en taludes de autovía , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : Análisis de favorabilidad de presencia de madrigueras de conejo en taludes de autovía Rouco, C.; Farfán, M.A.; Olivero, J.; Arias De Reyna, L.; Villafuerte, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2019
49º Primera aproximación al microbioma intestinal del conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus) , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : Primera aproximación al microbioma intestinal del conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Delibes-Mateos, M.; Funosas, G.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R.; Rouco, C.; Triadó-Margarit, X.; Casamayor, E.O., 2019
50º Dimensiones humanas de la fauna silvestre , Transfer Innovando en Biodiversidad : Dimensiones humanas de la fauna silvestre Delibes-Mateos, M., 2019
51º Un diálogo sobre el presente y futuro de la actividad cinegética , CONAMA (Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente) Local : Un diálogo sobre el presente y futuro de la actividad cinegética Delibes-Mateos, M., 2019
52º Genetics and fuzzy logic unravel the historical biogeography of European rabbit subspecies in the species' native range , 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society : Genetics and fuzzy logic unravel the historical biogeography of European rabbit subspecies in the species' native range Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Marquez, A.; Farfán, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Ramírez, E.; Villafuerte, R.; Olivero, J.; Real, R., 2019
53º A large-scale biogeographical analysis of European rabbit damage to agriculture in Spain , 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society : A large-scale biogeographical analysis of European rabbit damage to agriculture in Spain Farfán, M.; Rouco, C.; Olivero, J.; Márquez, A.; Fa. J.; Vargas, J.; Villafuerte, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2019
54º Factors explaining the densities of European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in central-southern Iberia , International conference on ecological sciences : Factors explaining the densities of European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in central-southern Iberia Fernandez de Simon, J.; Diaz-Ruiz, F.; Rodiguez de la Cruz, M.; Cirilli, F.; Tortosa, F.S.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R.; Ferreras, P.,
55º Using Q-methodology for understanding conservation conflicts: common voles in Spanish farmlands. , Pathways Europe 2018: resurrecting the wild? : Using Q-methodology for understanding conservation conflicts: common voles in Spanish farmlands. Lauret, V.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Mougeot, F.; Arroyo, B.,
56º Attitudes of hunters and the public towards the reintroduction of the Iberian lynx before and after releases , 7th International Pathways Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference : Attitudes of hunters and the public towards the reintroduction of the Iberian lynx before and after releases Delibes Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.E.; Lafuente Fernández, R.; Redpath, S.; Villafuerte, R.,
57º Attitudes towards European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in farmland areas within Spain , 7th International Pathways Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference : Attitudes towards European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in farmland areas within Spain Delibes Mateos, M.; Ruiz Ruiz, J.; Arroyo, B.; Redpath, S.; Garrido, F.; Moyano, E.; Villafuerte, R.,
58º Hunting as a source of alien species , 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology : Hunting as a source of alien species Hillström, L.; Carpio, A.J.; Guerrero-Casado, J.; Tortosa, F.S.; Vicente, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Barasona, J.A., 2018
59º ¿Qué opinan los socios de la SECEM sobre los depredadores y su gestión en España? , XIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : ¿Qué opinan los socios de la SECEM sobre los depredadores y su gestión en España? Brian Curtosi; Francisco Díaz-Ruiz; Jesús Caro; Beatriz Arroyo; Pablo Ferreras; Miguel Delibes-Mateos, 2017
60º Just follow the road to find European rabbit causing damage to agriculture in southern Iberian Peninsula , 33rd International Union of Game Biologist Congress : Just follow the road to find European rabbit causing damage to agriculture in southern Iberian Peninsula Rouco, C.; Farfan, M.A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Olivero, J.; Arias de Reyna, L. ¿,
61º Attitudes towards European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in farmland areas within Spain , 5th World Lagomorph Conference : Attitudes towards European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in farmland areas within Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ruiz, J.; Arroyo, B.; Redpath, S.; Garrido, F.; Moyano, E.; Villafuerte, R., 2016
62º Does fencing extensive breeding plots affect European wild rabbit perceived risk of predation? , 5th World Lagomorph Conference : Does fencing extensive breeding plots affect European wild rabbit perceived risk of predation? Rouco, C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arias de Reyna, L.; Villafuerte, R., 2016
63º Mitos y realidades: daños causados por conejos exóticos en España , XII Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : Mitos y realidades: daños causados por conejos exóticos en España Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R., 2015
64º Viejas lecciones ignoradas: introducciones históricas del conejo de monte , XII Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) : Viejas lecciones ignoradas: introducciones históricas del conejo de monte Delibes, R.; Delibes, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2015
65º Factores determinantes de la composición y estructura de las comunidades de mesocarnívoros en ambientes mediterráneos del centro de la Península Ibérica , XII Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : Factores determinantes de la composición y estructura de las comunidades de mesocarnívoros en ambientes mediterráneos del centro de la Península Ibérica Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Caro, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Ferreras, P., 2015
66º Using internet search engines to assess spatial and temporal crop damages caused by European rabbit in Spain , 10th European Vertebrate Pest Managment Conference : Using internet search engines to assess spatial and temporal crop damages caused by European rabbit in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ávila, M.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R.,
67º Hunters' attitudes towards the reintroduction of the critically endangered Iberian lynx , 7th European Congress of Mammalogy : Hunters' attitudes towards the reintroduction of the critically endangered Iberian lynx Lafuente, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.; Redpath, S.; Villafuerte, R.; Moyano, E.,
68º Assesing the influence of predator control on target and non-target carnivore populations using occupancy models , 7th European Congress of Mammalogy : Assesing the influence of predator control on target and non-target carnivore populations using occupancy models Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Caro, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Ferreras, P.,
69º The importance of prey subspecies: predator distribution and European rabbits in their native range , 7th European Congress of Mammalogy : The importance of prey subspecies: predator distribution and European rabbits in their native range Delibes-Mateos, M.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Arroyo, B.; Ferreras, P.; Redpath, S.; Vargas, J.M.; Alves, P.C.; Villafuerte, R.,