Miguel Delibes Mateos

TRAMAS – Territory, rurality, agriculture, environment environment and sustainability

Miguel Delibes Mateos is Senior Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) at the Institute for Advanced Social Studies (IESA). He has previously worked at and undertaken research visits at various institutions in Spain (for example, the Institute for Research on Hunting Resources, University of Malaga, University of Seville) and abroad (Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Norway, Landcare Research in New Zealand, University of Porto in Portugal).

His research work looks to integrate approaches developed by different disciplines, including social and natural sciences, in order to gain insight into the oftentimes complex relationships between the conservation of biodiversity and other human activities that rely on natural resources. He is particularly interested in investigating conservation conflicts through a multidisciplinary perspective in order to find solutions that mitigate problems and ultimately lead to a sustainable use of natural resources.

He is a member by invitation of the expert group on “Sustainable use and livelihoods” of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and of the Scientific Committee of Future Earth in Spain.


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