Rafael Villafuerte is a Doctor in Biological Sciences and Scientific Researcher in the field of Natural Resources at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). He has worked as a researcher at the Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC) and at the Research Institute of Hunting Resources (IREC-CSIC). He was General Director of Investigation and Technological Innovation at the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government and Director of the Research Institute of Hunting Resources. He is currently Associate Editor of Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, Galemys Spanish Journal of Mammalogy, and Wildlife Research. He has published close to one hundred scientific papers in SCI journals and has participated in over thirty research projects, for many of which he has been the principal researcher. Rafael has supervised a dozen PhD theses and has coordinated masters and doctoral programmes with a quality award. His research work has focused mainly on wild species ecology, analysing measures for conservation management, harnessing and control thereof. After joining the Institute for Advanced Social Studies, he began to investigate the link between natural and social sciences in order to confront conflicts which threaten wildlife species, their habitats and human activities related to the use and enjoyment of natural resources.
1º Unravelling the historical biogeography of the European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Vaquerizas, P.H.; Márquez, A.L.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Piorno, V.; Castro, F.; Ramírez,, 2023
2º Cooke's index: A simple, cost-effective method for multiple practitioners to estimate European rabbit abundance Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Arias de Reyna, L.; Camacho, A.; Cooke, B.; Villafuerte, R., 2023
3º Support to Iberian lynx reintroduction and perceived impacts: Assessments before and after reintroduction Delibes-Mateos, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Lafuente, R.; Villafuerte, R.; Garrido, F.E., 2022
4º Brain transcriptomics of wild and domestic rabbits suggests that changes in dopamine signaling and ciliary function contributed to evolution of tameness Sato, D.X.; Rafati, N.; Ring, H.; Younis, S.; Feng, C.; Blanco-Aguiar, J.A.; Rubin, C.J.; Villafuert, 2021
5º Keeping an eye on the use of eye-lens weight as a universal indicator of age for European wild rabbits. Vaquerizas, P. H.; Santoro, S.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R., 2021
6º Persistence of wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) latrines and its implication for monitoring programs Carlos Rouco; Rafael Villafuerte; Juan Antonio Aguayo-Adán; Daniel Carrasco-Expósito; Silvia Íñigo-L, 2021
7º Does prey abundance affect prey size selection by the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)? Tobajas, J.; Rouco, C.; Fernandez-de-Simon, J.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R.; Ferreras, 2021
8º Plasticity in daily activity patterns of a key prey species in the Iberian Peninsula to reduce predation risk Descalzo, E.; Tobajas, J.; Villafuerte, R.; Mateo, R.; Ferreras, P., 2021
9º Conditioned odor aversion as a tool for reducing post-release predation during animal translocations Tobajas, J.; Descalzo, E.; Villafuerte, R.; Jimenez, J.; Mateo, R.; Ferreras, P., 2021
10º Individual fate and gut microbiome composition in the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Funosas G; Triadó-Margarit X; Castro F; Villafuerte R; Delibes-Mateos M; Rouco C; Casamayor EO, 2021
11º Exploring perceptions to manage conflicts: The case of the European eel fishing moratorium in Southern Spain Garrido, F.E.; Ruiz-Ruiz, J.; Lafuente-Fernández, R.; Villafuerte, R., 2020
12º Conflict and cooperation in the management of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) damage to agriculture in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Ruiz, J.; Garrido, F.E.; Redpath, S.; Villafuerte, R., 2020
13º The paradox of endangered European rabbits regarded as pests on the Iberian Peninsula: Trends in subspecies matter Vaquerizas, P.H.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Piorno, V.; Arroyo, B.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R., 2020
14º European rabbit hunting: Management changes and inertia in the governance system in a period of population fluctuations Piorno, V.; Arroyo, B.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R., 2020
15º Brain Transcriptomics of Wild and Domestic Rabbits Suggests That Changes in Dopamine Signaling and Ciliary Function Contributed to Evolution of Tameness Daiki X. Sato; Nima Rafati; Henrik Ring; Shady Younis; Chungang Feng; Jose A. Blanco-Aguiar; Carl-J, 2020
16º Supplementary food reduces home ranges of European wild rabbits in an intensive agricultural landscape Rouco, C.; Barrio, I.C.; Cirilli, F.; Tortosa, F.S.; Villafuerte, R., 2019
17º Favourability for the presence of wild rabbit warrens in motorway verges: Implications for the spread of a native agricultural pest species Rouco C; Farfán MA; Olivero J; Arias de Reyna LM; Villafuerte R; Delibes-Mateos M, 2019
18º Endemic plant species are more palatable to introduced herbivores than non-endemics Cubas, J.; Irl, S.D.H.; Villafuerte, R.; Bello-Rodríguez, V.; Rodríguez-Luengo, J.L.; Del Arco, M.; , 2019
19º Oryctolagus cuniculus, European Rabbit Rafael Villafuerte; Miguel Delibes Mateos, 2019
20º Developing a quantitative hunting regionalization framework: A new game management tool Ríos-Saldaña, C.A.; Farfán, M.A.; Castro, F.; Vargas, M.; Villafuerte, R., 2018
21º A genomic map of clinal variation across the European rabbit hybrid zone Rafati, N.; Blanco-Aguiar, J.A.; Rubin, C.J.; Sayyab, S.; Sabatino, S.J.; Afonso, S.; Feng, C.; Alve, 2018
22º First assessment of the potential introduction by hunters of eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Piorno, V.; Ramírez, E.; Blanco-Aguiar, J.A.; Aparicio, F.; Mínguez,, 2018
23º Changes in brain architecture are consistent with altered fear processing in domestic rabbits Brusini, I.; Carneiro, M.; Wang, C.; Rubin, C.J.; Ring, H.; Afonso, S.; Blanco-Aguiar, J.A.; Ferrand, 2018
24º A large-scale assessment of European rabbit damage to agricultura in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M; Farfán, M.A.; Rouco, C.; Olivero, J.; Márquez, A.L.; Fa, J.E.; Vargas, J.M.; Vill, 2018
25º Large-scale assessment of myxomatosis prevalence in European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 60 years after first outbreak in Spain R. Villafuerte; F. Castro; E. Ramírez; I. Cotilla; F. Parra; M. Delibes-Mateos; P. Recuerda; C. Rouc, 2017
26º Control hunting of wild animals: health, money or pleisure? Garrido, F.E.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R., 2017
27º Functional responses to changes in rabbit abundance: is the eagle owl a generalist or a specialist predator? J. Tobajas; J. Fernandez-de-Simon; F. Díaz-Ruiz; R. Villafuerte; P. Ferreras, 2016
28º Optimization and accuracy of faecal pellet count estimates of population size: the case of European rabbits in extensive breeding nuclei. Rouco, C.; Santoro, S.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R., 2016
29º Can widespread generalist predators affect keystone prey? A case study with foxes and rabbits in their native range. Fernández de Simón, J.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Rodríguez de la Cruz, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R., 2015
30º Low persistence in nature of captive reared rabbits after restocking operations Piorno, V.; Villafuerte, R.; Branco, M.; Carneiro, M.; Ferrand, N.; Alves, P.C., 2015
31º Biometrical analysis reveals major differences between the two subspecies of the European rabbit Ferreira, C.C.; Castro, F.; Piorno, V.; Barrio, I.C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Rouco, C.; Mínguez, L.E.; , 2015
32º Conservationists, hunters and farmers: The European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus management conflict in the Iberian Peninsula Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ferreira, C.; Rouco, C.; Villafuerte, R.; Barrio, I.C., 2014
33º Rabbit genome analysis reveals a polygenic basis for phenotypic change during domestication Carneiro, M.; Rubin, C.-J.; Palma, F.D.; Albert, F.W.; Alföldi, J.; Barrio, A.M.; Pielberg, G.; Rafa, 2014
34º Habitat management as a generalized tool to boost European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus populations in the Iberian Peninsula: A cost-effectiveness analysis Ferreira, C.; Touza, J.; Rouco, C.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Fernandez-de-Simon, J.; Ríos-Saldaña, C.A.; Ferre, 2014
35º Experimental study on the effect of cover and vaccination on the survival of juvenile European rabbits. Ferreira, C.; Villafuerte, R.; Villar, N.; Castro, F.; Ferreras, P.; Rouco, C.; Alves, P.C.; Arias d, 2014
36º Role of prey and intraspecific density dependence on the population growth of an avian top predator Fernandez-de-Simon, J.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Cirilli, F.; Tortosa, F.S.; Villafuerte, R.; Ferreras, P., 2014
37º Control of the European rabbit in central Spain Ríos-Saldaña, C.A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Martínez, E.; Vargas, J.M.; Cooke, B.D.; Villafu, 2013
38º Rabbits, weeds and crops: Can agricultural intensification promote wildlife conflicts in semiarid agro-ecosystems? Barrio, I.C.; Bueno, C.G.; Villafuerte, R.; Tortosa, F.S., 2013
39º Comparative study of spanish and Italian terrestrial small mammal coenoses from different biotopes in Mediterranean peninsular tip regions Cagnin, M.; Moreno, S.; Aloise, G.; Garofalo, G.; Villafuerte, R.; Gaona, P.; Cristaldi, M., 1998
1º Desarrollo rural y conservación de la biodiversidad. Del conflicto a la coexistencia en la conservac 2022, 978-84-95531-64-3
2º Is Predation the Key Factor of Partridge Ecology and Management? , Ferreras, P.; Mateo-Moriones, A.; Duarte, J.; Fa, J.E.; Blanco-Aguiar, J.A.; Villafuerte, R., 2022, isbn: 978-3-030-96339-2
3º Conflicto y cooperación: percepción de los actores implicados sobre los daños de conejo y su gestión , Delibes Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Ruiz, J.; Garrido, F.E.; Villafuerte, R., 2021, isbn: 978-84-9044-433-7
4º Seguimiento y recuperación de las poblaciones de conejo europeo (Oryctolagus cuniculus cuniculus) en 2019, 978-84-09-11001-8
5º Oryctolagus cuniculus 2018, 9781421423401
1º Coste-efectividad de las medidas de gestión de hábitat en la Península Ibérica. , Jornadas IBERCONEJO: Intercambio de experiencias de fomento de las poblaciones de conejo de monte : Coste-efectividad de las medidas de gestión de hábitat en la Península Ibérica. Ferreira, C.; Touza J.; Rouco, C.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Fernández de Simón, J.; Ríos-Saldaña, C.A.; Ferreras, P.; Villafuerte, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
2º Stakeholder Perceptions of European Rabbit Damage to Agriculture , Pathways Europe 2022: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference : Stakeholder Perceptions of European Rabbit Damage to Agriculture Zebensui Morales-Reyes; Beatriz Arroyo; Fernando E. Garrido; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte,
3º Research-Based Knowledge Use in Conservation Conflicts: The IUCN 2019 wild rabbit reassessment in the Iberian Peninsula , Pathways Europe 2022 : Research-Based Knowledge Use in Conservation Conflicts: The IUCN 2019 wild rabbit reassessment in the Iberian Peninsula Patricia H. Vaquerizas; Anke Fischer; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte,
4º Establishing boundaries in Conservation Biology: The case of European wild rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula , 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology : Establishing boundaries in Conservation Biology: The case of European wild rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula Vaquerizas, Patricia H.; Fischer, Anke; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel; Villafuerte, Rafael; Garrido, Fernando E.; Glikman, Jenny A.,
5º Experimental study on the reproductive seasonality of Oryctolagus cuniculus subspecies , 6th World Lagomorph Conference : Experimental study on the reproductive seasonality of Oryctolagus cuniculus subspecies Patricia Hidalgo Vaquerizas; Vicente Piorno; Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte, 2022
6º Conflictos socioambientales con el lobo: educación para la sostenibilidad a través de un juego de rol , XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : Conflictos socioambientales con el lobo: educación para la sostenibilidad a través de un juego de rol Castro F; Recuerda P; Arias de Reyna L; Villafuerte R, 2021
7º Percepción de diferentes colectivos sobre los retos futuros para el conejo de monte en la Península Ibérica , XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : Percepción de diferentes colectivos sobre los retos futuros para el conejo de monte en la Península Ibérica Vaquerizas, P.H.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.E.; Glikman, J.A.; Villafuerte, R., 2021
8º Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologist : Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications Hidalgo Vaquerizas, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.E.; Glikman, J.A.; Villafuerte, R.,
9º Wildlife Values Orientations and hunting in Southern Spain , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) : Wildlife Values Orientations and hunting in Southern Spain Garrido-Fernández, F.E.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Villafuerte, R.,
10º Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) : Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications Miguel Delibes Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte; Jenny Glikman; Fernando Garrido; Patricia Hidalgo,
11º Determinación de la edad en conejo de monte a través del peso del cristalino: análisis comparado de las dos subespecies en la Península Ibérica , XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : Determinación de la edad en conejo de monte a través del peso del cristalino: análisis comparado de las dos subespecies en la Península Ibérica Vaquerizas, P.H.; Castro, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Recuerda, P.; Villafuerte, R., 2019
12º Is the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) shaping geographical distribution patterns of its predator's community in the Iberian Peninsula? , 8th European Congress of Mammalogy : Is the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) shaping geographical distribution patterns of its predator's community in the Iberian Peninsula? Vaquerizas, P.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Olivero, J.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R.,
13º Plasticity in daily activity patterns of a key prey species to reduce predation risk , 8th European Congress of Mammalogy : Plasticity in daily activity patterns of a key prey species to reduce predation risk Descalzo, E.; Tobajas, J.; Villafuerte, R.; Mateo, R.; Ferreras, P.,
14º Attitudes towards mammal reintroductions in Southern Europe correlate with species involved, people's wildlife value orientations and relationship with hunting , 8th European Congress of Mammalogy : Attitudes towards mammal reintroductions in Southern Europe correlate with species involved, people's wildlife value orientations and relationship with hunting Villafuerte, R.; Garrido, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
15º Endemic plant species are more palatable to introduced herbivores than non-endemics , Third International Conference on Island Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (Island Biology 2019) : Endemic plant species are more palatable to introduced herbivores than non-endemics Severin Irl; Jonay Cubas; Rafael Villafuerte; Víctor Bello-Rodríguez; Juan Luis Rodrí¿guez-Luengo; Marcelino del Arco; José Luís Martín-Esquivel; Juana María González-Mancebo, 2019
16º Primera aproximación al microbioma intestinal del conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus) , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : Primera aproximación al microbioma intestinal del conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Delibes-Mateos, M.; Funosas, G.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R.; Rouco, C.; Triadó-Margarit, X.; Casamayor, E.O., 2019
17º Aproximación biogeográfica a la distribución histórica de las subespecies de conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en la península ibérica , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : Aproximación biogeográfica a la distribución histórica de las subespecies de conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en la península ibérica Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Márquez, A.L.; Farfán, M.A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Ramírez, E.; Piorno, V.; Villafuerte, R.; Olivero, J.; Real, R., 2019
18º Análisis de favorabilidad de presencia de madrigueras de conejo en taludes de autovía , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : Análisis de favorabilidad de presencia de madrigueras de conejo en taludes de autovía Rouco, C.; Farfán, M.A.; Olivero, J.; Arias De Reyna, L.; Villafuerte, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2019
19º ¿Es necesaria una doble gestión del conejo de monte? Revisión actualizada de las diferencias entre Oryctolagus cuniculus cunilculus y O. cuniculus algirus , I Congreso Ibérico de ciencia aplicada a los recursos cinegéticos (CICARC) : ¿Es necesaria una doble gestión del conejo de monte? Revisión actualizada de las diferencias entre Oryctolagus cuniculus cunilculus y O. cuniculus algirus Hidalgo Vaquerizas, P.; Castro, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Piorno, V.; Villafuerte, R., 2019
20º Genetics and fuzzy logic unravel the historical biogeography of European rabbit subspecies in the species' native range , 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society : Genetics and fuzzy logic unravel the historical biogeography of European rabbit subspecies in the species' native range Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Marquez, A.; Farfán, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Castro, F.; Ramírez, E.; Villafuerte, R.; Olivero, J.; Real, R., 2019
21º A large-scale biogeographical analysis of European rabbit damage to agriculture in Spain , 9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society : A large-scale biogeographical analysis of European rabbit damage to agriculture in Spain Farfán, M.; Rouco, C.; Olivero, J.; Márquez, A.; Fa. J.; Vargas, J.; Villafuerte, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2019
22º Factors explaining the densities of European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in central-southern Iberia , International conference on ecological sciences : Factors explaining the densities of European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in central-southern Iberia Fernandez de Simon, J.; Diaz-Ruiz, F.; Rodiguez de la Cruz, M.; Cirilli, F.; Tortosa, F.S.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R.; Ferreras, P.,
23º Attitudes of hunters and the public towards the reintroduction of the Iberian lynx before and after releases , Pathways Europe 2018: Human dimensions of wildlife : Attitudes of hunters and the public towards the reintroduction of the Iberian lynx before and after releases Fernando E. Garrido; Regina Lafuente-Fernández; Steve Redpath; Rafael Villafuerte,
24º Attitudes towards European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in farmland areas within Spain , 7th International Pathways Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference : Attitudes towards European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in farmland areas within Spain Delibes Mateos, M.; Ruiz Ruiz, J.; Arroyo, B.; Redpath, S.; Garrido, F.; Moyano, E.; Villafuerte, R.,
25º Contributions of social science research to conservation conflict management: The case of the eel fishing in Southern Spain , 7th International Pathways Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference : Contributions of social science research to conservation conflict management: The case of the eel fishing in Southern Spain Garrido Fernández, F.E.; Ruiz Ruiz, J.; Lafuente Fernández, R.; Villafuerte, R.,
26º Attitudes of hunters and the public towards the reintroduction of the Iberian lynx before and after releases , 7th International Pathways Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference : Attitudes of hunters and the public towards the reintroduction of the Iberian lynx before and after releases Delibes Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.E.; Lafuente Fernández, R.; Redpath, S.; Villafuerte, R.,
27º Provide a house and they will live: the case of rabbits and roads , International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology : Provide a house and they will live: the case of rabbits and roads Rouco; Aguayo; Aparicio; Villafuerte, 2018
28º Does fencing extensive breeding plots affect European wild rabbit perceived risk of predation? , 5th World Lagomorph Conference : Does fencing extensive breeding plots affect European wild rabbit perceived risk of predation? Rouco, C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arias de Reyna, L.; Villafuerte, R., 2016
29º Attitudes towards European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in farmland areas within Spain , 5th World Lagomorph Conference : Attitudes towards European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in farmland areas within Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ruiz, J.; Arroyo, B.; Redpath, S.; Garrido, F.; Moyano, E.; Villafuerte, R., 2016
30º Recuperación del conejo de monte , I Congreso Ibérico Caza y Conservación : Recuperación del conejo de monte Villafuerte, R.,
31º Mitos y realidades: daños causados por conejos exóticos en España , XII Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : Mitos y realidades: daños causados por conejos exóticos en España Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R., 2015
32º Using internet search engines to assess spatial and temporal crop damages caused by European rabbit in Spain , 10th European Vertebrate Pest Managment Conference : Using internet search engines to assess spatial and temporal crop damages caused by European rabbit in Spain Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ávila, M.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R.,
33º The importance of prey subspecies: predator distribution and European rabbits in their native range , 7th European Congress of Mammalogy : The importance of prey subspecies: predator distribution and European rabbits in their native range Delibes-Mateos, M.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Arroyo, B.; Ferreras, P.; Redpath, S.; Vargas, J.M.; Alves, P.C.; Villafuerte, R.,
34º Hunters' attitudes towards the reintroduction of the critically endangered Iberian lynx , 7th European Congress of Mammalogy : Hunters' attitudes towards the reintroduction of the critically endangered Iberian lynx Lafuente, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.; Redpath, S.; Villafuerte, R.; Moyano, E.,
35º Historic review of predator control in the iberian peninsula , 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology, 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology : Historic review of predator control in the iberian peninsula Catarina Ferreira; Carolina Márquez; Rafael Villafuerte; Juan Mario Vargas; Paulo Célio Alves; Denis L. Murray; Pablo Ferreras; Emilia Garrido, 2015