Doctora en Geografía Humana e Investigadora contrata Ramon y Cajal en el Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados (IESA-CSIC) en el área de Dimensiones Humanas. Ha trabajado como profesora/investigadora en el Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV-Mérida) en México, enfocándose en el establecimiento de las áreas protegidas marinas y terrestres. Luego trabajó por seis años como directora asociada del Zoológico de San Diego en California, con el cual sigue colaborando en proyectos internacionales en Sud América y en Sudeste asiático sobre el conflicto de conservación y en el comercio ilegal de vida silvestre.
En general, su línea de investigación se enfoca en entender las relaciones del ser humano con la naturaleza y la fauna silvestre para abordar los conflictos que amenazan la conservación de la biodiversidad y las actividades humanas. Se trata de desarrollar soluciones compartidas y acciones de conservación que permitan mejorar la coexistencia entre el ser humano y la fauna silvestre.
En la actualidad es jefa editora de la revista internacional Human Dimensions of Wildlife y editora principal de Conservation Science and Practice. Es miembro por invitación del grupo de expertos sobre “Human Bear Conflict Expert Teams” y del “Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence Specialist Group” de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN).
1º Low Level of Concern Among European Society About Zoonotic Diseases Delibes-Mateos, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Arroyo, B.; Soliño, M.; Martínez-Jauregui, M., 2023
2º Assessing the distribution of elusive non-game carnivores: are hunters valuable informants? Descalzo, E.; Ferreras, P.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Soliño, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Delibes, 2023
3º Sharing land with bears: Insights toward effective coexistence Glikman, J.A.; Frank, B.; D'Amico, D.; Boitani, L.; Ciucci, P., 2023
4º Evaluation of motorists perceptions toward collision of an endangered large herbivore in Iran Mohammadi A; Nayeri D; Alambeigi A; Glikman JA, 2023
5º Social development and biodiversity conservation synergies for the West African giraffe in a human-wildlife landscape Gašparová, K.; Blanco, J.; Glikman, J.A.; Fennessy, J.; Moussa Zabeirou, A.R.; Abdou Mahamadou, A.R., 2023
6º Perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on communities and wildlife trade: Preliminary qualitative analysis from hunters in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos Davis, E.O.; Castaneda, M.; Crudge, B.; Lim, T.; Roth, V.; Glikman, J.A.; Cao, T., 2023
7º Experiences and emotional responses of farming communities living with Asian Elephants in Southern Sri Lanka: Living with elephants in Sri Lanka de Silva, S.; Ruppert, K.; Knox, J.; Davis, E.O.; Weerathunga, U.S.; Glikman, J.A., 2023
8º Beyond rural vs urban differences: A close match in european preferences in some basic wildlife management and conservation principles Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Glikman, J.A.; Soliño, M., 2023
9º Traditional Khmer Medicine and its role in wildlife use in modern-day Cambodia Lim, T.; Davis, E.O.; Crudge, B.; Roth, V.; Glikman, J.A., 2022
10º Rethinking individual relationships with entities of nature Lehnen, L.; Arbieu, U.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Díaz, S.; Glikman, J.A.; Mueller, T., 2022
11º Have farmers had enough of experts? Rust, N.A.; Stankovics, P.; Jarvis, R.M.; Morris-Trainor, Z.; de Vries, J.R.; Ingram, J.; Mills, J.;, 2022
12º Support to Iberian lynx reintroduction and perceived impacts: Assessments before and after reintroduction Delibes-Mateos, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Lafuente, R.; Villafuerte, R.; Garrido, F.E., 2022
13º Rural and urban views on elephants, conservation and poaching Sampson, C.; Glikman, J.A.; Rodriguez, S.L.; Tonkyn, D.; Soe, P.; O'Connor, D.; Chit, A.M.; Leimgrub, 2022
14º How Will the End of Bear Bile Farming in Vietnam Influence Consumer Choice? Davis, E.O.; Veríssimo, D.; Crudge, B.; Sam, S.H.; Cao, D.T.; Ho, P.V.; Dang, N.T.H.; Nguyen, T.D.; , 2022
15º Perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs toward giraffes in Northern Kenya Ruppert, K.A.; Sponarski, C.C.; Masiaine, S.; Larpei, L.; Lekushan, J.; Lenaipa, D.; Lenyakopiro, J., 2022
16º Avoiding parachute science when addressing conflict over wildlife Ruppert, KA; Laiyon L; Letoluai A; Limo I; Owen M; Pilfold NW; Wachira P; Glikman Jenny Anne, 2022
17º The nominative technique: a simple tool for assessing illegal wildlife consumption E.O. Davis; B. Crudge; J.A. Glikman, 2022
18º Socio-environmental perceptions and barriers to conservation engagement among artisanal small-scale gold mining communities in Southeastern Peru Cuya, A.; Glikman, J.A.; Groenendijk, J.; Macdonald, D.W.; Swaisgood, R.R.; Barocas, A., 2021
19º Investigating the international and pan-African trade in giraffe parts and derivatives Dunn, M.E.; Ruppert, K.; Glikman, J.A.; O'Connor, D.; Fennessy, S.; Fennessy, J.; Veríssimo, D., 2021
20º Prevalence and characteristics of illegal jaguar trade in north-western Bolivia Arias, M.; Hinsley, A.; Nogales-Ascarrunz, P.; Negroes, N.; Glikman, J.A.; Milner-Gulland, E.J., 2021
21º Specialized questioning techniques and their use in conservation: A review of available tools, with a focus on methodological advances Cerri, J.; Davis, E.O.; Veríssimo, D.; Glikman, J.A., 2021
22º Usage, definition, and measurement of coexistence, tolerance and acceptance in wildlife conservation research in Africa Knox, J.; Ruppert, K.; Frank, B.; Sponarski, C.C.; Glikman, J.A., 2021
23º Landscape-level changes to large mammal space use in response to a pastoralist incursion Masiaine, S.; Pilfold, N.; Moll, R.J.; O'connor, D.; Larpei, L.; Stacy-Dawes, J.; Ruppert, K.; Glikm, 2021
24º Coexisting with different human-wildlife coexistence perspectives Glikman Jenny Anne, 2021
25º Use of specialized questioning techniques to detect decline in giraffe meat consumption Ruppert, K.A.; Sponarski, C.C.; Davis, E.O.; Masiaine, S.; Larpei, L.; Lekalgitele, J.; Lekupanai, R, 2021
26º Complex interactions between commercial and noncommercial drivers of illegal trade for a threatened felid Arias, M.; Hinsley, A.; Nogales-Ascarrunz, P.; Carvajal-Bacarreza, P.J.; Negroes, N.; Glikman, J.A.;, 2021
27º Wildlife Trade in 2021: Still start with the consumer Davis, E.O.; Owen, M.A.; Glikman, J.A., 2021
28º From worship to subjugation: Understanding stories about bears to inform conservation efforts Hughes, C.; Frank, B.; Melnycky, N.A.; Yarmey, N.T.; Glikman, J.A., 2020
29º Camera settings and biome influence the accuracy of citizen science approaches to camera trap image classification Egna, N.; O'Connor, D.; Stacy-Dawes, J.; Tobler, M.W.; Pilfold, N.; Neilson, K.; Simmons, B.; Davis,, 2020
30º The COVID-19 pandemic: A learnable moment for conservation Schwartz, M.W.; Glikman, J.A.; Cook, C.N., 2020
31º Influencing consumer demand is vital for tackling the illegal wildlife trade Veríssimo, D.; 't Sas-Rolfes, M.; Glikman, J.A., 2020
32º Insights for reducing the consumption of wildlife: The use of bear bile and gallbladder in Cambodia Davis, E.O.; Veríssimo, D.; Crudge, B.; Lim, T.; Roth, V.; Glikman, J.A., 2020
1º Desarrollo rural y conservación de la biodiversidad. Del conflicto a la coexistencia en la conservac 2022, 978-84-95531-64-3
1º Hunters' opposition to Egyptian mongoose passive restoration in central-southern Spain. , XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). : Hunters' opposition to Egyptian mongoose passive restoration in central-southern Spain. Granados, M.G.; Descalzo, E.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Soliño, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Ferreras, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2023
2º Percepciones y preferencias sobre la gestión de fauna silvestre: comparativa del público general y los socios de la SECEM. , XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). : Percepciones y preferencias sobre la gestión de fauna silvestre: comparativa del público general y los socios de la SECEM. Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte-Jordán, R.; Arroyo, B.; Glikman, J.A.; Soliño, M.; Martínez-Jauregui, M., 2023
3º Potential conflict among hunters and non-hunters in the perceived impact on an expanding mesocarnivore in southern Europe. , XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). : Potential conflict among hunters and non-hunters in the perceived impact on an expanding mesocarnivore in southern Europe. Glikman, J.A; Descalzo, E.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Soliño, M.; Ferreras, P.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Delibes-Mateos, M., 2023
4º Potential conflict among hunters and non-hunters in the perceived impact on an expanding mesocarnivore in southern Europe , XVI Congreso Internacional de la SECEM : Potential conflict among hunters and non-hunters in the perceived impact on an expanding mesocarnivore in southern Europe Jenny Glikman; Esther Descalzo; María Martínez-Jauregui; Mario Soliño; Pablo Ferreras; Francisco Díaz-Ruiz; Miguel Delibes-Mateos, 2023
5º Hunters¿ opposition to Egyptian mongoose passive restoration in central-southern Spain , XVI Congreso Internacional de la SECEM : Hunters¿ opposition to Egyptian mongoose passive restoration in central-southern Spain María G. Granados; Esther Descalzo; Martínez-Jauregui M; Soliño M; Glikman JA; Díaz-Ruiz F; Ferreras P; Delibes-Mateos M, 2023
6º Wildlife value orientations and conflict situations with wolves across Europe. , XVI Congreso Nacional de la AEET: La ecología en una bioesfera humanizada. : Wildlife value orientations and conflict situations with wolves across Europe. Glikman, J.A.; Manfredo, M.; Teel, T.; Ghasemi, B.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
7º Exploring attitudes towards large carnivores in Europe across different restoration approaches: A systematic review , XVI Congreso Nacional de la AEET: La ecología en una bioesfera humanizada. : Exploring attitudes towards large carnivores in Europe across different restoration approaches: A systematic review González-Granados, M.; Vaquerizas, P.H.; Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
8º Wildlife Value Orientations and conflict situations with wolves across Europe. , Pathways 2023: Managing wildlife in an era of mutualism : Wildlife Value Orientations and conflict situations with wolves across Europe. Glikman, J.A.; Manfredo, M.; Teel, T.; Ghamesi, B.; Jacobs, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.,
9º Establishing boundaries in Conservation Biology: The case of European wild rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula , 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology : Establishing boundaries in Conservation Biology: The case of European wild rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula Vaquerizas, Patricia H.; Fischer, Anke; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel; Villafuerte, Rafael; Garrido, Fernando E.; Glikman, Jenny A.,
10º The red deer viewed by Europeans: a challenge for management , 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology : The red deer viewed by Europeans: a challenge for management Villafuerte-Jordán R; Martinez-Jauregui M; Arroyo B; Glikman JA; Soliño M; Delibes-Mateos M.,
11º Percepción de diferentes colectivos sobre los retos futuros para el conejo de monte en la Península Ibérica , XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos : Percepción de diferentes colectivos sobre los retos futuros para el conejo de monte en la Península Ibérica Vaquerizas, P.H.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.E.; Glikman, J.A.; Villafuerte, R., 2021
12º Percepciones y preferencias de la sociedad rural sobre el meloncillo y su gestión en Castilla-La Mancha , XV Congreso de la SECEM, 4-7 diciembre 2021, Córdoba : Percepciones y preferencias de la sociedad rural sobre el meloncillo y su gestión en Castilla-La Mancha Miguel Delibes-Mateos; Esther Descalzo; Mario Soliño; Francisco Díaz-Ruiz; Jenny Anne Glikman; Pablo Ferreras; María Martínez-Jauregui, 2021
13º Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologist : Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications Hidalgo Vaquerizas, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Garrido, F.E.; Glikman, J.A.; Villafuerte, R.,
14º Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) : Qualitative assessment of social perception of European rabbit subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula: management implications Miguel Delibes Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte; Jenny Glikman; Fernando Garrido; Patricia Hidalgo,
15º Wildlife Values Orientations and hunting in Southern Spain , 35th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) : Wildlife Values Orientations and hunting in Southern Spain Garrido-Fernández, F.E.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Glikman, J.A.; Villafuerte, R.,